This page provides greater details on when to use each Office 365 Sensitivity Label and some example scenarios. 

What labels are there? 

The Office 365 Sensitivity Labels are aligned with UQ's Information Security Classifications. They are:


You can also use the information security classification decision tree (PDF, 84.8 KB) to help determine what label is appropriate.  

Please note: UQ is applying minor changes to its sensitivity labels as part of updates to the Information Security Classification Procedure.

  • OFFICIAL-INTERNAL becomes OFFICIAL (this is the default sensitivity label classification).

These changes will be applied to UQ’s sensitivity labels on Friday 1 March. Once the sensitivity label names are updated, any files and documents previously classified as Official-Public and Official-Internal will carry the updated label names. There will be no change to the functionality of sensitivity labels, or the controls applied for each classification.

Examples of when to use

For more detail about when to use each label, click on the relevant one below. The scenarios are based on UQ’s Information Security Classifications. For more information about each classification, click here.