Request access to data
Oversight of data sharing is important to ensure that UQ’s data remains secure, and is used ethically and in line with UQ’s legislative obligations.
At UQ, Information Stewards (view the Information Governance and Management Framework for more detail) are responsible for reviewing and approving requests for data. This may include:
- corporate data sharing agreements,
- data integrations requests, and
- requests to access to research data.
Note: Individual access to data in Reportal is managed via the Planning and Business Intelligence team’s approval processes. Read more about Reportal.
Corporate data sharing agreements
Access to UQ’s corporate data (for parties both internal and external to UQ) is managed through data sharing agreements (DSAs). DSAs are typically used to oversee requests for data for reporting or analytics purposes.
Data sharing agreements are typically required when:
- an individual/group requires access to data they don’t have access to as part of fulfilling their role (i.e. not an operational requirement),
- an individual/group is proposing to use data they already have access to in a novel way, that’s not part of their usual role (e.g. combining data sets to gain new insights), or
- UQ is proposing to provide data to a third party, and there is not an existing agreement in place that covers provision of data (including approval from relevant Information Stewards).
Learn more about Data Sharing Agreements
To complete a data sharing agreement:
- Download and complete the data sharing agreement form. For external entities requiring access to data, the data sharing agreement should be submitted and managed by the UQ contact for the activity. Email the Data Strategy and Governance team if guidance is required completing the form.
- Submit the completed form via email to the Data Strategy and Governance team.
The Data Strategy and Governance team reviews the DSA to ensure it is completed correctly, before facilitating the required approvals with the relevant Information Steward/s. The team also maintains a log of all submitted agreements to ensure auditability and accountability of data sharing and use at UQ.
Download the data sharing agreement form (DOCX, 89.7 KB)
Data sharing agreements with complex ethical issues can be referred by Data Strategy and Governance to the Ethical Data Use Review Committee, which can meet on request to provide recommendations to Information Stewards. View the terms of reference for the Ethical Data Use Review Committee (DOCX, 66.2 KB).
Data integration requests
If you require access to data for integration purposes, contact the Integration Services team to discuss your requirements.
You must also consult the relevant Information Steward/s for the information you are requesting, to ensure they understand the use case and have time to ask questions. For projects, this should happen during project or procurement planning. Email the Data Strategy and Governance team for details on the relevant Information Stewards.
The Integration Services team will assess your request and facilitate the required approvals with the Information Stewards.
Please note: data integration requests no longer require a data sharing agreement; however, the Information Steward approval (outlined above) is still required.
Access research data
For research data, the Information Steward is the research project’s First Named Investigator (also known as the Lead Chief Investigator (LCI)). Upon completion of a research project, the role of Information Steward will transition to the Head of School or Director of Institute.
Access to research data depends on a number of factors, such as whether the project has completed, funder agreements, IP agreements, etc. To access the research data of an on-going project, please contact the Lead Chief Investigator. They will be able to direct you on how best to request access to their research data.
Contact for published datasets in UQ eSpace, Legal Services (Research) if it involves IP or funder agreements, or IT Support for questions around access to data stored in UQRDM.